Monday, February 22, 2010

8 months old


baba bella said...

Happy 8 months old Birthday Sid!

It looks like somebody is going to have a curly hair...

Berta said...

Look at the big shot, sitting so nicely. Happy 8 months old sweet, sweet Sidney.

love ya, grandma berta

Amy Swan said...

Wait, if Sid is going to have curly hair like his Mama, I'm definitely going to have to eat him right up!

Igor Livshin said...

Happy birthday Sid!

Have you already promised your parents to start sleeping at night?

Simon Glick said...

Nice work, Sid! Isn't chewing stuff awesome? Your buddy Elijah things so, too!

Much love to you, Asa, and your mom and dad.

Simon, Leah, and Elijah